Projects per year
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AutoSimAR - Automotive Simulations of AR Applications for Increased Usability, Traffic Safety and Traffic Flow
Holzmann, C. (CoI), Riegler, A. E. (PI), Ostermayer, G. (CoPI), Eder, S. (CoI) & Riegler, A. E. (CoI)
COIN "Aufbau" (capacity building)
01.04.2021 → 31.03.2024
Project: Research Project
AutoWSD - Complexity Analysis of Automotive Windshield Displays
Holzmann, C. (PI) & Riegler, A. E. (CoI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.01.2019 → 31.12.2021
Project: Research Project
Digitally Connected Industry Network
Holzmann, C. (PI), Ostermayer, G. (CoI) & Riegler, A. E. (CoI)
Land Oberösterreich Innovatives OÖ2020
01.10.2017 → 31.03.2019
Project: Research Project
LEEFF - LEEFF (Low Emission Electric Freight Fleets)
Holzmann, C. (PI) & Riegler, A. E. (CoI)
01.04.2016 → 31.03.2019
Project: Research Project
SOCIALCARE - SOCIALCARE - A Social Care Network for Citizen Empowerment and Care Support in Local Communities
Holzmann, C. (PI) & Riegler, A. E. (CoI)
7th Framework Programme of the European Union
01.05.2015 → 31.08.2017
Project: Research Project