Projects per year
- 100 - 150 out of 164 results
Search results
Intergenerational Co-located Play for Old and Young
Lankes, M. (PI), Holzmann, C. (CoI) & Hagler, J. (CoPI)
benefit - Intelligent Technologies for Elderly People
04.01.2016 → 29.12.2017
Project: Research Project
Connected Vehicles
Ostermayer, G. (PI), Werth, B. (CoI) & Eder, S. (CoI)
IGJ Investment for Growth and Jobs 2014 - 2020
01.01.2016 → 30.06.2019
Project: Research Project
KIMBO - Kollaborative Interdisziplinäre Medizinsche Boards
Mayr, H. (PI), Lin, A. M. (CoI) & Krauss, O. (CoI)
01.12.2015 → 30.11.2016
Project: Research Project
Mobile Peer Support - Patient-Centered Mobile Services for Chronic Desease Management
Pimminger, S. (PI) & Holzmann, C. (CoI)
benefit - Intelligent Technologies for Elderly People
01.11.2015 → 31.10.2016
Project: Research Project
PI-Personalized Interaction
Augstein, M. (PI), Altmann, J. (CoI) & Neumayr, T. (CoI)
01.08.2015 → 30.09.2016
Project: Research Project
Autonome Geländemähfahrzeuge
Traxler, B. (PI) & Krauss, O. (CoI)
01.07.2015 → 30.11.2015
Project: Research Project
SOCIALCARE - SOCIALCARE - A Social Care Network for Citizen Empowerment and Care Support in Local Communities
Holzmann, C. (PI) & Riegler, A. E. (CoI)
7th Framework Programme of the European Union
01.05.2015 → 31.08.2017
Project: Research Project
BF-GlucoSTAR - BF-GlucoSTAR - High-content Screeing Plattform zur Identifikation und Charakterisierung Insulin-mimetischer Substanzen
Weghuber, J. (PI), Stadlbauer, V. (CoI) & Dornmayr-Pfaffenhuemer, M. (CoI)
01.01.2015 → 31.12.2016
Project: Research Project
DigiMont - Digitale Montage - ein erster Schritt für „Losgröße 1“ - digital assembly - first step in lot size 1
Affenzeller, M. (PI)
01.12.2014 → 30.11.2017
Project: Research Project
CrAc - CoopeRative Activities
Schönböck, J. (PI) & Altmann, J. (CoI)
01.11.2014 → 31.10.2016
Project: Research Project
IAAA - Interaction Analysis for Automated Adaptation
Augstein, M. (PI), Kurschl, W. C. (CoI), Altmann, J. (CoI) & Neumayr, T. (CoI)
01.10.2014 → 30.09.2016
Project: Research Project
GEMPLAY - GEMPLAY - Gendered games Motivating Physical ActivitY
Lankes, M. (PI)
01.07.2014 → 30.06.2016
Project: Research Project
Fakultätsübergreifendes Institut für intelligente Produktion - Hgbg
Affenzeller, M. (PI), Fleck, P. (CoI), Traugott, G. (CoI), Burlacu, B. (CoI) & Holzinger, F. C. (CoI)
01.07.2014 → 30.06.2019
Project: Research Project
K-Projekt HOPL
Affenzeller, M. (PI), Wagner, S. (CoPI), Leitner, S. J. (CoI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Burlacu, B. (CoI), Krauss, O. (CoI), Kellermayr-Scheucher, M. (CoI), Lengauer, E. (CoPI) & Karder, J. A. (CoI)
COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies
01.05.2014 → 30.04.2018
Project: Research Project
Personalisierung im Human Centered Computing - Personalization in Human Centered Computing
Augstein, M. (PI), Altmann, J. (CoI) & Neumayr, T. (CoI)
01.05.2014 → 30.09.2014
Project: Research Project
Methoden und Verfahren für nachhaltig agierende Entscheidungsunterstützung in der operativen Produktionssteuerung
Wagner, S. (PI), Fleck, P. (CoI) & Scheibenpflug, A. J. (CoI)
Production of the Future 4th Call
01.03.2014 → 29.02.2016
Project: Research Project
Elgamon - ELGA-konformes ambulantes Vitaldatenmonitoring
Lehner, M. (PI)
01.01.2014 → 30.09.2014
Project: Research Project
Themis - Themis - Conserve Your Digital Life
Heinzelreiter, J. (PI) & Pimminger, S. (CoI)
01.11.2013 → 31.10.2015
Project: Research Project
McTronic - McTronic - Innovationslehrveranstaltung für angewandte Mechatronik
Kronberger, G. (PI)
01.10.2013 → 30.09.2017
Project: Research Project
WIRE - Workflow for Image prefetching in Radiology ELGA
Mayr, H. (PI)
01.10.2013 → 30.09.2014
Project: Research Project
Usability Testen von Mobilen Bedienterminals - Usability Testing of Mobile Operator Terminals
Holzmann, C. (PI)
01.08.2013 → 31.07.2014
Project: Research Project
AUToMAte - AUToMAte - Automated Usability Testing of Mobile Applications
Holzmann, C. (PI)
01.06.2013 → 31.05.2016
Project: Research Project
Winkler, S. (PI), Dorfer, V. (CoI) & Strobl, M. T. (CoI)
01.03.2013 → 29.02.2016
Project: Research Project
Winkler, S. (PI), Dorfer, V. (CoI), Jacak, J. (CoI) & Schaller, S. (CoI)
01.01.2013 → 31.12.2015
Project: Research Project
IdeaGarden - IdeaGarden, An Interactive Learning Evironment Fostering Creativity
Haller, M. (PI)
7th Framework Programme of the European Union
01.11.2012 → 30.10.2015
Project: Research Project
fun.tast.tisch - fun.tast.tisch - Neuartige Entwicklung für den Einsatz von Microsoft® PixelSense™ in der Neuro-Rehabilitation
Augstein, M. (PI), Altmann, J. (CoI) & Neumayr, T. (CoI)
01.10.2012 → 30.09.2014
Project: Research Project
Netkompass für Social Web - Netcompass for Social Web. A Peer-to-Peer Information Platform for Privacy and Data Protection in the Social Web.
Jadin, T. (PI)
01.10.2012 → 30.09.2014
Project: Research Project
MOBILE.OLD - MOBILE.OLD - Residential & Outdoor Services Advancing the Mobility of Older Persons
Holzmann, C. (PI)
01.06.2012 → 31.05.2014
Project: Research Project
Krösche, J. (PI)
IV2Splus - Intelligent Traffic Systems and Services
01.05.2012 → 30.04.2014
Project: Research Project
Active Office - - Acitve Office
Schrempf, A. (PI), Probst, K. (CoI) & Vogl, A. (CoI)
02.04.2012 → 31.12.2015
Project: Research Project
Active Office
Haller, M. (PI), Probst, K. (CoI) & Vogl, A. (CoI)
01.01.2012 → 31.12.2014
Project: Research Project
BIOBOOST - Biomass based energy intermediates boosting biofuel production
Affenzeller, M. (PI), Pitzer, E. (CoI) & Hutterer, S. (CoI)
7th Framework Programme of the European Union
01.01.2012 → 31.12.2014
Project: Research Project
Creating Knowledge through Design & Conceptual Innovation
Gaisch, M. (PI)
01.11.2011 → 31.10.2014
Project: Research Project
Linked Data im Unternehmenseinsatz - Linked Data in Cooperations
Stöckl, A. (PI)
01.10.2011 → 30.09.2013
Project: Research Project
Winkler, S. (PI), Lanzerstorfer, P. (CoI) & Schaller, S. (CoI)
01.10.2011 → 31.12.2013
Project: Research Project
BF-TeleMoniCare - Unterstützendes Telemonitoring in der ambulanten Versorgung
Kriegel, J. (PI) & Ortner, T. (CoI)
01.10.2011 → 30.09.2013
Project: Research Project
ATLab - Assistive Technology Lab, providing ePad Access to people with disabilities
Kurschl, W. C. (PI)
01.10.2011 → 30.09.2013
Project: Research Project