Projects per year
Search results
BioH2Region - BA0100157 - BioH2Region - "Kompetenzregion für erneuerbaren Wasserstoff und Grüne Gase"
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Zettl, B. (CoPI), Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI), Issayan, G. (CoI) & Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.07.2024 → 30.06.2027
Project: Research Project
Indek-Met - Entwicklung einer mathematischen Methode zur kostengünstigen Analyse von Dekarbonisierungs-potentialen in der Industrie
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Dehner, H. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Mühleder, H. (CoI)
Future Energy Technologies - Land OÖ
01.06.2024 → 31.05.2026
Project: Research Project
OpenGrid4PV - Smarte Lösungsansätze zur Steigerung der PV-Einspeisekapazität in Verteilnetzen
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI), Gaisberger, L. (CoI) & Kefer, P. (CoI)
Future Energy Technologies - Land OÖ
01.03.2024 → 31.08.2026
Project: Research Project
BF CoE-E/SP - Basic funding for the CoE-E and CoE-SP
Brunner, M. (PI) & Carreras Oliver, F. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2026
Project: Research Project
ICE4H&C - ICE-Heating and Cooling for SFH and MFH
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Dehner, H. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI), Issayan, G. (CoI), Wagner, C. (CoI), Resch, A. (CoI) & Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI)
Future Energy Technologies - Land OÖ
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
RESTORE - Effects from different energy storage technologies on sector-coupled energy systems
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Wagner, C. (CoPI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.10.2023 → 30.09.2026
Project: Research Project
HyBRID – Teil1 (Soft) - H2-Researchcenter
Plank, B. (CoI), Zettl, B. (CoI), Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI), Weidinger, F. (CoI), Gaisberger, L. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI), Winkler, H. (CoI), Augl, S. (CoI), Plank, B. (PI), Kirchsteiger, H. (CoI), Markovic, P. (CoI), Mehmedovski, E. (CoI), Pöttinger, D. (CoI) & Maurer, J. (CoI)
01.08.2023 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
RING - Realization of a knowledge platform for "direct current system technology and high voltage storage technology for sustainable and renewable electrical energy supply".
Diendorfer, C. (CoI), Plank, B. (PI) & Plank, B. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.04.2023 → 31.03.2026
Project: Research Project
Austrian DC pilot factory
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Carreras Oliver, F. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Kefer, P. (CoI)
01.03.2023 → 28.02.2026
Project: Research Project
EDDIE - European Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy
Kurz, M. (PI), Kashyap, S. (CoI), Grünberger, S. (CoI), Penzinger, S. (CoI), Hartner, G. (CoI), Hödl, O. (CoI), Mayr, B. (CoI), Traugott, G. (CoI), Schaffer, C. (CoI), Vymazal, D. (CoI), Selinger, S. (CoI), Krösche, J. (CoI), Sonnleitner, E. (CoI), Haas, F. (CoI), Mayr, S. (CoI), Zatschkowitsch, M. (CoI), Weingartshofer, F. M. (CoI), Ellmer, B. (CoI), Dupin, A. (CoI), Reichl, M. T. (CoI) & Seifriedsberger, M. (CoI)
HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
01.01.2023 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
klimaaktiv Gebäude 2023+ - klimaaktiv Buildings 2023+
Leindecker, H. C. (PI), Haslehner, R. (CoI) & Rebig, M. (CoI)
01.01.2023 → 31.12.2027
Project: Research Project
PowerTeams - Collaborative Engineering of Smart Grid Applications
Veichtlbauer, A. (PI) & Steinmaurer, G. (CoPI)
01.04.2022 → 31.03.2025
Project: Research Project
Not started
UCEDS - User Centric Energy Data Spaces
Schaffer, C. (PI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.11.2024 → 31.10.2027
Project: Research Project
SorSens - Anwendung von Sensorik und numerischen Verfahren zur State-of-Charge Bestimmung sorptiver Speichermaterialien
Zettl, B. (PI), Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI), Zettl, B. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Issayan, G. (CoI)
01.07.2021 → 31.12.2022
Project: Research Project
TCMix - Investigation of salt-mixture systems as composite materials for thermochemical storage applications
Zettl, B. (PI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Issayan, G. (CoI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.03.2021 → 30.06.2024
Project: Research Project
RESINET - Increase of resilience of energy grids
Dehner, H. (CoI), Kirchsteiger, H. (PI), Dorl, S. (CoI), Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI), Zenisek, J. (CoI), Wagner, C. (CoI), Gaisberger, L. (CoI), Zettl, B. (CoI), Resch, A. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoPI), Issayan, G. (CoI) & Kirchsteiger, H. (CoI)
IGJ Investment for Growth and Jobs 2014 - 2020
01.01.2021 → 30.06.2022
Project: Research Project
InterGrid - Convergent Interoperability Stack for Smart Grid ICT Infrastructures
Ostermayer, G. (PI) & Veichtlbauer, A. (CoPI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.10.2020 → 30.09.2023
Project: Research Project
SENDER - Sustainable consumer engagement and demand response
Süßenbacher, W. (PI), Höller, R. (CoPI), Schmidthaler, M. (CoPI), Herburger, M. (CoI) & Eder, M. (CoI)
Horizon 2020: EU Programme for Research and Innovation
01.10.2020 → 30.09.2024
Project: Research Project
DC Surface BreakDown - Surface break down of polluted Medium Voltage DC insulators in Air
Diendorfer, C. (CoI) & Diendorfer, C. (PI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.10.2020 → 30.09.2023
Project: Research Project
VTMopt - Modellierung und Regelung eines innovativen Thermomanagementsystems mit Wärmespeicher für E-Fahrzeuge
Steinmaurer, G. (PI) & Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.10.2019 → 30.09.2022
Project: Research Project
New-TCM - Development of efficient thermo-chemical storage materials
Zettl, B. (PI), Steinmaurer, G. (CoPI), Beneder, M. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Issayan, G. (CoI)
IGJ Investment for Growth and Jobs 2014 - 2020
01.01.2019 → 30.09.2021
Project: Research Project
InduGrid - Industrial Microgrids
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Kefer, P. (CoI), Beneder, M. (CoI), Carreras Oliver, F. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Kirchsteiger, H. (CoI)
01.09.2018 → 31.08.2022
Project: Research Project
FTI OÖ - FTI OÖ Methodenentwicklung für Energieflussoptimierung
Beneder, M. (CoI), Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI), Kirchsteiger, H. (PI), Wagner, C. (CoI), Carreras Oliver, F. (CoI), Resch, A. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Kirchsteiger, H. (CoI)
01.01.2018 → 31.12.2022
Project: Research Project
Urbaner Speichercluster (Hagenberg) - Urban Storage Cluster South Burgenland (Hagenberg)
Schaffer, C. (PI), Traugott, G. (CoI), Praschl, C. (CoI) & Veichtlbauer, A. (CoPI)
01.09.2017 → 31.05.2022
Project: Research Project
FlashCheck - Lichtbogendetektion in DC-Netzen - regelungsorientierte Identifikation mit CompressedSensing symbolischer Klassifikation
Grabmair, G. (PI), Winkler, A. (CoI) & Holzinger, F. C. (CoI)
01.04.2017 → 30.09.2020
Project: Research Project
BF-Energie aus Abwärme - Energy Harvesting mit Thermoelektrizität
Zauner, G. (PI), Mayr, G. (CoI) & Breitwieser, S. (CoI)
01.11.2016 → 31.10.2018
Project: Research Project
Zeller, P. (PI), Diendorfer, C. (CoI) & Ramin, R. (CoI)
Interreg - Austria-Bavaria 2014-2020
01.10.2015 → 30.09.2018
Project: Research Project