Life Skills: How to Prepare Graduates for global challenges
Kamilla Trubicki (Speaker)
Michael Rabl (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
This poster aims at understanding how current global situation and volatile job markets create the need for a workforce with a new skill set. Besides specialized know-how and problem-solving competence, also flexibility, resilience, the ability to adapt to new environments as well as the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills as needed are increasingly gaining importance for employers. The presenters will show a variety of approaches such as interdisciplinary project work together with communities and professional organizations, internships in companies and international classrooms that are used by higher education institutions worldwide to prepare their graduates accordingly and will share lessons learned from each of those. Building on this overview, the poster will highlight to administrators and faculty the possibility of introducing specific curricular contents that will equip students with the necessary tools to develop the required life skills.
15 Mar 2023
Event title
Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 2023 Conference and Exhibition: Towards a sustainable future for internationanl education in Asia Pacific