Flexible Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling: A Real-World Extension for the Steel Industry

  • Viktoria Hauder (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation


Project scheduling is an essential operational optimization task when precedence relations and the access to limited resources are parts of the decision support processes of an organization. In this work, a real-world production and logistics scheduling process of a steel manufacturer is modeled. Besides multiple resources, also a large time horizon and a flexible project structure regarding project activities and processing times have to be taken into account for the production of multiple batches. The foundation for this model is the well-known resource constrained project scheduling problem. However, for the consideration of all necessary real-world requirements, a new (mixed integer programming) problem model with the stated extensions concerning project flexibility, time flexibility, and the production of multiple lots is developed. Within a first step, the evolved model is solved to optimality for small instances by using IBM ILOG CPLEX. As a second step, a Constraint Programming model is developed and applied successfully for large real-world problem instances.
Period4 Oct 2018
Event titleEntscheidungsunterstützung in der Logistik
Event typeConference
LocationLinz, AustriaShow on map