Which utilization and service level lead to the maximum EVA?

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In this paper a model for evaluating the influence of utilization, WIP, FGI, service level and production lead time on EVA (economic value added) is developed in order to link the available logistical key figures with a market perspective and discuss their influence on company value. The question answered in this paper is: What is the optimal utilization and service level of a production system in order to achieve the maximum possible EVA for a company? A single-product, single-machine, make-to-order production system with investment dependent machine capacity is modeled. The model combines a market share concept based on delivery/production lead time and service level with concepts describing the logistical relationships between WIP, utilization, production lead time and service level. In addition to the explanatory use of the model, it can provide support for strategic decisions concerning investing or divesting machinery. The main application of this model is in describing the link between capacity investment and company value comprehensively based on data available from cost accounting in real companies. Furthermore, this paper shows that high flexibility of personnel and machine capacity increases the maximum possible EVA of production systems even if this flexibility is linked to additional costs.
Seiten (von - bis)16-26
FachzeitschriftInternational Journal of Production Economics
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - März 2011
