Touch and tangibles - interacting with fun.tast.tisch. results of a study with non-target-group users

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fun.tast.tisch. is an interactive tabletop system used in neuro- rehabilitation. It consists of several exercises to be inter- acted with by therapists and patients collaboratively. The user interface combines different interaction paradigms and tangible objects to facilitate therapeutic concepts. The ac- ceptance of the system and its user interface relies on ther- apeutic aspects but also on straightforward interaction, us- ability and a positive user experience. A study with non- target-group users was conducted, first, because earlier stud- ies revealed that the target groups are not fully impartial regarding perceived usability/user experience. Second, in- teraction combining a touch-based interface with tangible elements and system feedback on different sensory channels involves usability/UX challenges that should be investigated in a non-critical situation. This paper describes selected fun.tast.tisch. modules, especially those involving tangible objects and summarizes the results of a related study.

FachzeitschriftCEUR Workshop Proceedings
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2014
VeranstaltungInternational Workshop on Tactile/Haptic User Interfaces for Tabletops and Tablets, TacTT 2014 - Dresden, Deutschland
Dauer: 16 Nov. 2014 → …


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