Sufficiency of electric charging stations in urban areas

Predrag Brlek, Ladislav Bartuska, Predrag Samolov, Zlatko Sovreski

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragAbstractBegutachtung


The quantity of electric charging stations in urban areas has become an increasingly significant topic in the 21st century, given the growing number of electric vehicles and the need for infrastructure to support their charging.
Urbanization and a rising awareness of environmental issues are encouraging people to transition to electric vehicles, further boosting the demand for charging stations. A key factor in the successful adoption of electric vehicles is the availability of charging stations at all times, especially in urban areas where most residents rely on public transportation or live in apartments without private garages. Therefore, cities must rapidly expand the network of charging stations to accommodate the growing number of electric vehicles. This includes installing charging stations in public parking lots, shopping centers, residential
buildings, and other key locations in urban centers. Improving the infrastructure for charging electric vehicles not only facilitates the transition to sustainable mobility but can also significantly stimulate economic development, reduce emissions of pollutants, and decrease dependence on fossil fuels. Thus, investment in a greater quantity of electric charging stations in urban areas is
crucial for creating more sustainable and pleasant urban environments. This paper will present an overview of the amount of electric charging stations in the Republic of Croatia and the European Union, according to the statistical data of charging service providers, as well as the EV index, which serves to compare the readiness of countries at the EU level regarding the wider use of electric vehicles.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2024
VeranstaltungInternational Conference on Sustainable Transport -
Dauer: 26 Sep. 202428 Sep. 2024


KonferenzInternational Conference on Sustainable Transport


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