Student Centric Feedback Based Case Study on Modern Educational Methodologies in Engineering Subjects - can we Fill the Industrial and Educational MINT Gap?

Thomas Schlechter, Lenka Zarev, Tarosh Kuchroo, Frederico Marcos Topa e Ferreira, Sidharth Parameswaran Ramachandran, Erika Rose-Marie Hallemann

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/TagungsbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung


In the field of engineering, we currently observe two critical developments. First, industry widely struggles with filling central engineering positions with well-educated and suited candidates. Second, the other end of the career track, the universities, struggle to appeal enough students for MINT subjects. Some reasons presumably include the traditional image of technical subjects and the assigned (social) characteristics in that field. Other reasons may be related to the way, technology has been taught in the past, which often is considered rusty and mentally exhausting. The question that rises in this context: is this a ”God-given” or can teaching plans and curriculums be pimped towards a more entertaining and appealing setup? In this paper a case study including students’ given feedback is presented, which is based on the Smart Green Island Makeathon experience of a student delegate group.
TitelEDULEARN24 Proceedings
ErscheinungsortPalma de Mallorca, Spain
ISBN (elektronisch)978-84-09-62938-1
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 7 Juli 2024
