Overnight Virtual - Design Thinking Workshops during the Corona Crisis

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The current paper aims at describing how an existing in-class innovation teaching format can be transferred to a fully virtual. The main objective of the newly designed course was to teach the essential competences in a completely virtualized manner. The challenge hereby is not only to change in-class lectures to video conferencing tools but to literally define new learning experiences, that follow the course objectives and make use of the potential of online teaching tools. It focuses on the design of the didactic concept, the selection of adequate tools, the implementation using a new storyboard and schedule, and the evaluation of the experiences of students and lecturers.
OriginalspracheDeutsch (Österreich)
TitelISPIM Innovation Conference - Innovating our Common Future
UntertitelEvent Proceedings
ISBN (elektronisch)978-952-335-467-8
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2021


  • online teaching
  • transfer of teaching
  • innovation teaching
  • design thinking
  • highly interactive teaching
