Numerical simulation of fluid structure interaction in a pump with hyperelastic components

Christian Zehetner, Franz Hammelmüller, Christian Wöckinger

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/TagungsbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung


Interaction of fluids with structures play an important role in many industrial applications, e.g. in pumps as major components of conveying processes. This paper concerns the numerical analysis of fluid structure interaction in a pump. The considered system consists of a metal housing, a polymer impeller and the fluid. Thus, we deal with several nonlinearities: large strains, nonlinear material behavior and contact. To analyze this pump, Finite Element Method (FEM) and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) are coupled, both methods are Lagrangian formulations. Numerical results are presented and discussed. The present study is a benchmark for the analysis of fluid structure interaction with highly nonlinear components. The results show that the presented simulation strategy is suitable for the optimization of such kinds of industrial problems.

TitelProceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics
UntertitelSolids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018
Redakteure/-innenRoger Owen, Rene de Borst, Jason Reese, Chris Pearce
Herausgeber (Verlag)International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE
ISBN (elektronisch)9788494731167
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2018
Veranstaltung6th ECCOMAS European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th ECCOMAS European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018 - Glasgow, Großbritannien/Vereinigtes Königreich
Dauer: 11 Juni 201815 Juni 2018


NameProceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018


Konferenz6th ECCOMAS European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th ECCOMAS European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018
Land/GebietGroßbritannien/Vereinigtes Königreich


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