Influence of dispatching rules on average production lead time for multi-stage production systems

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In this paper the influence of different dispatching rules on the average production lead time is investigated. Two theorems based on covariance between processing time and production lead time are formulated and proved theoretically. Theorem 1 links the average production lead time to the "processing time weighted production lead time" for the multi-stage production systems analytically. The influence of different dispatching rules on average lead time, which is well known from simulation and empirical studies, can be proved theoretically in Theorem 2 for a single stage production system. A simulation study is conducted to gain more insight into the influence of dispatching rules on average production lead time in a multi-stage production system. We find that the "processing time weighted average production lead time" for a multi-stage production system is not invariant of the applied dispatching rule and can be used as a dispatching rule independent indicator for single-stage production systems.

Seiten (von - bis)479-484
FachzeitschriftInternational Journal of Production Economics
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Aug. 2013


  • production lead time
  • dispatching rules
  • manufacturing system simulation
  • multi-stage production system


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