Incomitance of ocular rotation axes in trochlear nerve palsy

Konrad P. Weber, Antonella Palla, Klara Landau, Thomas Haslwanter, Dominik Straumann

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Strabismus due to palsy of a single muscle in one eye is always incomitant, which is a consequence of Hering's law of equal innervation. We asked whether this law had similar consequences on the orientation of ocular rotation axes. Patients with unilateral trochlear nerve palsy were oscillated about the nasooccipital (= roll) axis (±35°, 0.3 Hz), and monocularly fixed on targets on a head-fixed Hess screen. Both the covered and uncovered eyes were measured with dual search coils. The rotation axis of the covered eye (paretic or healthy) tilted more nasally from the line of sight when gaze was directed toward the side of the healthy eye. The rotation axis of the viewing eye (paretic or healthy), however, remained roughly aligned with the line of sight We conclude that incomitance due to eye muscle palsy extends to ocular rotation axes during vestibular stimulation.

Seiten (von - bis)347-351
FachzeitschriftAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Okt. 2003
Extern publiziertJa


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