Impact of AI on the Brewing Industry: A Comprehensive Summary

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

1 Zitat (Scopus)


AI has been gaining incredible momentum in the public perception throughout the past year. The main trigger
has been the media effective presentation of ChatGPT, presumably. Suddenly, a use case for AI graspable for
each and everyone had been created, making the topic directly available to the public mind. Plenty of diverse
discussions are ongoing since, be it fantasizing on future use cases, experimenting with the technology (sometimes
seemingly “throwing” AI on pretty much everything, treating AI as the “Holy Grail” of technological progress),
critical voices full of emotions (especially various subjects towards anxiety) or profound neutral analysis
of potential use cases from a scientific point of view. However, both enthusiastic and critical discussions very
often lack fundamental background knowledge of the technology behind AI along with what potentially is
realistic to implement. Generally, a comprehensive discussion of AI needs to be carried out on various levels,
including a more socio-economic overview of the impact of AI on the public, a summary of the technology behind
AI to a depth naturally limited by the nature of an article like this, and finally a review of current real use
cases. The purpose of this article is to discuss the aforementioned fields in the context of the brewing industry.
The main focus will be on a basic introduction of the technology behind current AI trends in the relevant field
along with non-classic sensors used to implement new use cases and applications. This summary is followed by
a presentation and critical discussion of already existing industrial use cases. It will be shown: AI has already
arrived in the brewing industry – longer than the publicly perceived existence of ChatGPT.
Seiten (von - bis)18-32
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - März 2024
