Fully and Automatically Testable Tasks for Programming Novices Derived From a Modified Test-First Approach

Matthias Längrich, Jörg Schulze, Heinz Dobler, Jean D. Hallewell Haslwanter

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPapierBegutachtung


This innovative practice paper presents an approach for fully and automatically testable tasks designed for programming novices, derived from a modified test-first approach. At our Universities of Applied Sciences, students from various non-computer science courses are introduced to the basics of programming using the C# programming language. The primary educational goal is to enable students to develop and test static methods for simple algorithmic problems. This is achieved through a modified test-first approach that emphasizes the practice of solving clearly defined tasks. The paper details the development of a task-oriented teaching method, the creation and organization of extensive task collections, and the implementation of a computer-assisted system for generating and verifying student tasks. The effectiveness and challenges of this approach are discussed, and potential for application in other programming languages is considered.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 16 Okt. 2024
VeranstaltungFIE 2024 - Frontiers in Education: Embracing the Challenges and Transforming Engineering and Computing Education in a Technology-Enhanced World: Embracing the Challenges and Transforming Engineering and Computing Education in a Technology-Enhanced World - Washington, DC, USA/Vereinigte Staaten
Dauer: 13 Okt. 202416 Okt. 2024
Konferenznummer: 55


KonferenzFIE 2024 - Frontiers in Education: Embracing the Challenges and Transforming Engineering and Computing Education in a Technology-Enhanced World
KurztitelFIE 2024
Land/GebietUSA/Vereinigte Staaten
OrtWashington, DC


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