Enhanced Urban Traffic Management by Intelligent Street Lighting

Thomas Novak, Klaus Pollhammer

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPapier


Public street lighting in urban areas is responsible for a huge amount of energy consumption. Approaches to tackle the problem are to install resource efficient LED based luminaries and additionally to realize a traffic adaptive streetlight control. The implementation of such a control mechanism requires sensor data to adjust the luminance intensity of the streetlights to the current traffic situation. The idea is to integrate the streetlight control into an urban traffic management system and use sensor data from already available traffic sensors on main roads. In residential areas, however, traffic sensors are typically not deployed. Therefore, heterogeneous sensors are installed to monitor the traffic and use them to control the streetlights. The traffic management is enhanced with aggregated data from these sensors. The benefit is a reduction of energy and deployed equipment while the level of public safety remains equal. Additionally, an increased level of functionality results in e.g., a more efficient congestion or incident detection management in a city
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2014
Extern publiziertJa
Veranstaltung10th ITS European Congress - Helsinki, Finnland
Dauer: 16 Juni 201419 Juni 2014


Konferenz10th ITS European Congress


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