Emissions and removal of gaseous pollutants from the top-gas of a blast furnace

Christof Lanzerstorfer, Wilfried Preitschopf, Robert Neuhold, Christoph Feilmayr

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

20 Zitate (Scopus)


The emissions of a blast furnace and the separation efficiency of the top-gas scrubber were investigated for the gaseous components HCl, H 2 S, SO 2 , COS, CS 2 , CH 3 SH, HCN and NH 3 . The clean gas emission of sulphur was dominated by COS which accounted for about 85% of the total sulphur emissions. From the hydrogen halides only HCl was present above the detection limit and the concentrations of NH 3 and HCN were also low. The average separation efficiency for HCl, SO 2 and NH 3 was 96%, 81% and 46%, respectively. COS was not separated in the scrubber system. The concentrations of the weak acids HCN and H 2 S were higher in the off-gas after the scrubber compared to the concentration before the scrubber. This phenomenon was explained by the release from the scrubber water into the gas of un-dissociated H 2 S and HCN originating from cyanides and sulphides contained in the separated dust. Separation efficiencies similar to those of the scrubber system are expected to be achieved also by dry sorption gas cleaning processes. However, this has to be verified in experiments. In the case of applying a dry gas cleaning system, the concentrations of H 2 S and HCN in the clean gas would be even less.

Seiten (von - bis)590-595
FachzeitschriftISIJ International
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - März 2019


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