Curvature of four-dimensional space due to electrical charges

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Curvature of four-dimensional space due to electrical charges
The inadequacy of accurately describing phenomena in the near field of large masses led to the fur-ther development of Newton's theory into the general theory of relativity. Newton's law and Cou-lomb's law are both subject to the Poisson equation, so the question arises as to whether a similar the-ory can be developed for electrical charges.
In this thesis, the assumption that the description of the forces between charges can be traced back to curved spaces will be investigated. As in the general theory of relativity, an attempt is made to model the forces on bodies through movements in curved spaces. The simplest case of two arbitrary charges, like the Schwarzschild solution, will be analyzed. The following postulates are to be established from the previous considerations:
(1) Electric charges bend space.
(2) The space curvature of opposite charges is also opposite. For example, a negative charge curves space “concavely” and a positive charge curves space “convexly”.
(3) Several charges always move in such a way that the space ideally merges into Minkowski space. This means that two different charges move towards each other, which cancels out the curvature of space, or two charges of the same name move away from each other, which also creates a minimum in the curvature of space.
The results of this work can be converted back into a Coulomb approximation for large distances, and the following results were also found:
(1) The spatial extent of the space curvature depends not only on the charge, but also on the mass of the respective particle. This means that more massive, charged particles have a smaller spatial expansion and therefore a greater charge density.
(2) There is an asymmetry in the repulsive and attractive force at close range.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 14 März 2024
VeranstaltungDPG-Frühjahrstagung 2024: Gravitation and Relativity, Hadronic and Nuclear Physics - Universität Gießen, Gießen, Deutschland
Dauer: 11 März 202415 März 2024


KonferenzDPG-Frühjahrstagung 2024
