Video-based Eye Movement Recordings: Applications in Research & Medicine

Aktivität: Gespräch oder VortragGeladener Gastvortrag


Approxiately half the human cortex deals with the processing of visual information and the control of eye movements. As a result, the measurement of eye movements provides a wealth of information, for basic research as well as for medical applications. Nevertheless, the recording of eye movements is still constricted by some inherent limitations of the measurement process. For example, the accuracy of video-oculagraphy (VOG) systems, i.e. video-based systems for the recording of eye movements, are severely affected by slippage of the camera with respect to the head. Our group works on removing these limitations. My talk will deal with three related aspects of our work. I will start out with an analysis of the bottlenecks of turning new ideas and technologie into practical applications, specifically in the field of medicine. The second part describes how we approach the remaining problems, especially slippage of the camera with respect to the head and automated analysis of ocular torsion. And in the last part of my talk, I will show results of our investigations of the plasticity of smooth pursuit eye movements.
Zeitraum31 Juli 2009
Gehalten amMax Planck Institut für Biologische Kybernetik, Deutschland