Victimization in the cyberspace and help-seeking: A country comparative study between Austria and Australia

  • Christiane Spiel (Redner*in)
  • Strohmeier, D. (Redner*in)
  • Julian J Dooley (Redner*in)
  • Donna Cross (Redner*in)
  • Petra Gradinger (Redner*in)

Aktivität: Gespräch oder VortragVortrag


Many young people who are victimized by their peers suffer from emotional problems. In prevention programs victimized students are often encouraged to seek help. However, it is unclear if help-seeking behavior is able to reduce emotional symptoms among victimized youth. Therefore, the present study investigated this question. It was examined if help-seeking behavior mediates the relationship between cyber-victimization/traditional victimization and emotional symptoms among young people from Austria (n = 1530; M age = 12.68 years, SD = .84 years) and Australia (n = 5959; M age = 12.36 years, SD = 1.46 years). Cross-sectional structural equation modeling was used to test the associations, controlling for gender. In both countries, cyber-victimization was not related with help-seeking behavior and no relationship was found between help-seeking and emotional symptoms. In both countries, girls were significantly more likely to seek help and endorsed more emotional symptoms than boys. The results highlight the importance to train teachers, school counselors, social workers, parents and students how to provide appropriate help and support for victimized youth.
Zeitraum9 Mai 2012
Ereignistitel1. Cross-Cultural Conference 2012
OrtSteyr, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen