The Influence of Inventory Deviation on Lead-Time and Utilization

Aktivität: Gespräch oder VortragVortrag


It is widely known that lead-time and utilization are dependent on work in pro-gress (WIP). This article validates the functional relationship between inventory deviation and lead-time by means of simulation. In addition, the results confirm a new mathematical model for the logistic operating curves in practice. A new ap-proach is based on the idea that changing a machine from overload to under-load and vice versa results in a waste of utilization and therefore in an increase in lead-times. The frequency of the changes from under- to overload and vice versa which determines this waste, is measurable by means of the statistical deviation of the inventory.
Zeitraum4 Sep. 2003
EreignistitelInternational Conference on Opeartions Research
OrtHeidelberg, DeutschlandAuf Karte anzeigen