The GLI 380 nm channel – application for remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol

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The Global Imager (GLI) onboard ADEOS-2 is the first medium-resolution Earth observation satellite sensor that is able to combine measurements from the near-UV to the IR wavelength region. This work investigates a newly available channel in the near-UV to retrieve the optical thickness and single-scattering albedo of aerosols. Due to the low reflectivity of most surfaces in the near-UV, this wavelength range is particularly useful to detect aerosols both over the oceans and lands. The 1-km resolution and wide spectral range of GLI data makes it possible to retrieve atmospheric aerosols parameters with higher accuracy due to accurate cloud screening. This paper describes the retrieval method, gives a sensitivity analysis, and presents examples of retrievals of aerosols
Zeitraum3 Juni 2004
EreignistitelEUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference
OrtPrague, Tschechische RepublikAuf Karte anzeigen