.3 billion tons of food is wasted annually all along the production chain (FAO, 2013) and by consumers. This is not only an ethical and an economic challenge but it also deprives the environment of its limited natural resources. The EU seeks every opportunity to prevent food waste and to improve the sustainability of the food system. All stakeholders in the food chain have a role to play in preventing and reducing food waste, from those who produce and process foods (farmers, food manufacturers and processors) to those who make foods available for consumption (hospitality sector, retailers) and ultimately the consumers themselves. The reuse and energetic conversion of food waste from the food service and hotel industry has grown in recent years. Currently, little precise data exist on food waste generation by restaurants and hotels. Without accurate data on where (e.g. kitchen or customer) and how much food is wasted, it is nearly impossible to generate strategies for its reduction. We examined different establishments in Upper Austria (restaurants, hotels and commercial kitchens) and determined that the food waste was sorted into 5 different categories with 9 fractions each. The amount of unavoidable waste per guest ranged from 20 g to 320 g, which shows an enormous saving potential for individual establishments. Based on this data, the CO2 equivalent, water consumption and land use caused by wastage was calculated. Additionally, different approaches on how food waste can be reduced are described.Zeitraum | 2 Juli 2017 |
Ereignistitel | 3rd International Conference on Food & Biosystems Engineering FaBE 2017 |
Veranstaltungstyp | Konferenz |
Ort | Rhodes Greece, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen |