SmartSUPPLY - a concept to improve Supply Chain transparency by the use of smartphones

  • Nikolaus Tellian (Redner*in)
  • Hans-Christian Graf (Redner*in)

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As Supply Chain Transparency is a key success factor for an effective Supply Chain Execution as many companies need to track & trace their individual orders. GPS-based tracking & tracing systems try to cope with this trend in order to improve gained transport information. However these systems are mostly linked to proprietary IT solutions but can not provide real time status information of their loads and estimated arrival times. The new smartSUPPLY concept uses proven internet-based technologies, such as Location Based Services (LBS), to overcome given media breaks and addresses existing obstacles especially in the fields of intermodal transports. By the integration of common smart phone technologies and transformation of social network principles into the professional field of logistics, a state-of-the-art toolkit for complex supply networks has been developed to increase the transparency and foster data exchange. Researched benefits result in a quick and interactive information flow with regards to the transparency of transports and shipped items. Gathered information may be quickly published to all relevant stakeholders in real time (e.g. to the sender, the shipper or the receiver of a load). Researched case examples underline easy to gain operational benefits in Supply Chain Execution like the optimization of truck fill rates, transport lead time, idle times and capacities. Gained practical findings are a better preparation of loading and unloading processes, more accurate calculation of times of arrival and a higher quality of dispatch processes. A set of performance indicators has been developed and will be presented by this paper.
Zeitraum15 Dez. 2011
EreignistitelICLT & OSCM The 3rd International Conference on Logistics and Transport
OrtMalé, MaledivenAuf Karte anzeigen