Post-postmodern Zeitgeist, Technology, Individuals – is the new era ideologically in line with sustainable development? Or: The Stories People Tell…. What will the ongoing changes in the political, economic and technological structures of human societies do to the human individual? How will they affect social interactions and conceptualizations of what it means to be human? What will happen to the Declaration of Human Rights as a global ethical standard? This workshop is an inquiry into possible answers. Departing from the postmodern condition of the individual, which seemed to necessitate the questioning of grand narratives, we recognize that the fragmentation and co-existence of differing or even contradictory narratives appears to have become an acceptable norm. Today´s individuals, therefore, seem to be presenting as naturally fragmented selves…and if, indeed, these fragmented human single units are adapting to an interlinked economy/society 4.0, what are the resulting social repercussions and needs? How can professional social workers adapt their methodologies to reach the post-postmodern public?Zeitraum | 2 Apr. 2019 |
Ereignistitel | International University Week Hasselt |
Veranstaltungstyp | Konferenz |
Ort | Hasselt, BelgienAuf Karte anzeigen |