Mathematical Modelling of Power to heat strategies to support sector coupling

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Sector coupling refers to the idea of interconnecting the energy consuming sectors like buildings (heating and cooling), mobility, gas and industry with the electricity-producing sector. Among several sector coupling strategies, power to heat (P2H) poses as one of the most necessary ones, since heating and cooling accounts for 51% of the final energy demand in the world, and only 10% of it is provided by renewable sources (REN21, 2019). In this work, different P2H systems and applications, namely a residential and an industrial application were investigated and the total energy produced by them was stored in water tanks for a later on use. Based on those results, it could be determined which one of the systems analyzed provided the best solution in terms of energy conversion in comparison with each other. Furthermore, in order to provide a general idea of the greenhouse gas emissions avoided, the amount of CO2 and fossil fuel savings was computed and presented in the results section. The mathematical modelling of the all systems was created using MATLAB/SimulinkTM, and their results are displayed in this work.
Zeitraum2 Sep. 2020
EreignistitelEuroSun 2020
OrtAthens, GriechenlandAuf Karte anzeigen