Integrated Care Using a Model-Based Patient Record Data Exchange Platform

  • Franz Pfeifer (Redner*in)

Aktivität: Gespräch oder VortragVortrag


We give a work-in-progress report on our patient portal developed for the purpose of (electronic) health data exchange. The exchange of patient record data, particularly in the area of patient care, is frequently still done manually or in a highly proprietary electronic way, making an efficient data exchange impossible. We present our concepts of a model-based patient care data exchange, relying on a sound technical intero-perability concept (through IHE-compliant architec-tures and processes) as well as a semantic interoperability concept commonly agreed among the partners (and already submitted as a basis for standardization). We show the benefits of our model-based ap-proach using as an example our e-Care system developed for electronic patient care data transfer between stationary (hospital, nursing home) and mobile care providers.
Zeitraum24 Sep. 2009
Ereignistitel21st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium 2009 EMSS09
OrtTenerife, SpanienAuf Karte anzeigen