Expanded Animaiton. Mapping an Unlimited Landscape

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The symposium Expanded Animation began in 2013 and offered a first approach to the expanding field of computer animation. It has since become an established part of the Ars Electronica Animation Festival and the international competition Prix Ars Electronica Computer Animation. Every year under an overarching theme, the symposium has researched the field of technology, art, animation, and aesthetics, investigated the collapsing boundaries in digital animation, and explored positions and future trends. As with the first conferences on computer animation at Ars Electronica in the 1980s, practice and theory are equally important. The richly illustrated publication Expanded Animation: Mapping an Unlimited Landscape features contributions from speakers and artists from the past six years and presents an overview of the prize winners in prix category Computer Animation from 2011 to 2018.

Zeitraum9 Mai 2021
Ereignistitel28. Internationales Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart
OrtStuttgart, DeutschlandAuf Karte anzeigen


  • Expanded Animation
  • Media Art