Effective Supply Chain Information Management in Supply Networks using Enterprise 2.0

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New trends enabled by state-of-the-art information and communication technology (ICT) are transforming and streamlining supply chain information management. This paper examines the potentials arising from flexible, loosely-coupled integration and ad-hoc information exchange by the use of current interactive and collaborative Web 2.0 concepts and technologies within and between enterprises (“Enterprise 2.0”). The ongoing research project SCIM 2.0, which stands for effective Supply Chain Information Management in supply networks using Enterprise 2.0, is taking a step beyond current Enterprise 2.0 concepts by adding semantic representation techniques and applying it to members of a whole supply network. The methodology of the project, the research questions addressed by the project and the expected results are discussed. Furthermore, the paper proposes a novel evolutionary process to apply the results of the project and to overcome the complexity of phasing-in supply chain information integration within all members of a supply network. Open issues for a full end-to-end visibility are discussed finally.
Zeitraum14 Juli 2009
EreignistitelThe 2009 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE'09)
OrtLas Vegas, USA/Vereinigte StaatenAuf Karte anzeigen