Conditioning of electric vehicles interior with sorption storage material

  • Thomas Aigenbauer (Redner*in)
  • Zettl, B. (Redner*in)

Aktivität: Gespräch oder VortragVortrag


Air conditioning inside vehicles is an important factor for save and convenient driving due to comfortable and dry interior climate. The air conditioning system, on the other side, is the most important auxiliary energy user and in electric vehicles, the additional demand for the heating and cooling system can result in a reduction of operation range by 30%. This may be one reason for low consumer acceptance of these vehicles. Sorption processes (utilizing zeolite) are able to provide an innovative method for heating, cooling and de-humidification in vehicles. Utilization of this technology can make possible a traction battery-independent and comparably cheap solution for the cabin conditioning in electric driven vehicles. Sorption materials show higher specific heat-storage densities than electrical storage densities in lithium cells, but costs are lower by factor 20. Therefore, conversion of electrical energy to heat or cold during driving should be strictly avoided and replaced by other technologies to save traction battery capacity. The sorption material should be used for dehumidification and heating propose and therefore supporting (or replacing) the standard equipment, which is a reversible heat-pump in general. Aim of the project is to highlight the technical opportunity and restriction, to elaborate numerical models for energy saving assessment, and to investigate the market potential of the technology to work out the applicability of the technology to electric vehicles. Results of experimental measurements will lead to basic data for evaluation of the numerical models.
Zeitraum12 Apr. 2019
EreignistitelIRES Int. Renew. Energy Storage Conf. 2019
OrtDüsseldorf, DeutschlandAuf Karte anzeigen