Automated tape laying process – manufacturing challenges and material properties

  • Benjamin Nagl (Redner*in)

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Innovative automated tape laying process – Manufacturing challenges and material properties BENJAMIN NAGL a), ROLAND HINTERHÖLZL a) WOLFGANG STADLBAUER a) a)University of Applied Science Upper Austria, Research and Development Ltd., Stelzhamerstraße 23, 4600 Wels, Austria Fibre reinforced composites are nowadays state of the art in many different industrial areas, like in aerospace and automotive applications as well as in wind power plants. Such composites typically consist of carbon or glass fibres as well as a thermosetting matrix. An emerging trend is to use thermoplastic polymers as the matrix material, as these exhibit some advantages, like low cycle time, thermoformability, recyclability and improved joining possibilities. Usually parts made of thermoplastic composites are either manufactured using forming or injection processes. In this work an alternative fabrication concept, compared to the ones already on the market, is used. The Set up consists of 3 robots and a deposition table which are working in coordination with each other. This technique can be classified as an automated tape laying process. In this work the influence of effects like the load distribution of the compaction roller and the absolute compaction force is investigated. The defects occurring during the manufacturing process like gaps, overlaps and bridging and their impact on the macroscopic material properties of the composites are also examined. The consolidated composites are investigated in respect to their morphology, as well as material degradation (via OIT and FTIR spectroscopy), their interlaminar properties (via mechanical testing) and their warpage due to residual stresses.
Zeitraum12 Dez. 2017
Ereignistitel33rd Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society
OrtCancun, MexikoAuf Karte anzeigen