Ars Electronica: Expanded Digital Animation

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The boundaries between the various forms and genres of digital animation have become more than just blurred; they are clearly expanding. Moving images created with computer technology constitute a very diverse spectrum, particularly in hybrid forms, and are products of a highly interdisciplinary collaboration of individuals from the worlds of industry, research, art and science. In this unlimited domain, animation is ubiquitous and yet, simultaneously, undifferentiated. To even attempt to define what digital animation is, it becomes necessary to examine this dynamic and constantly expanding field more closely. Through examples of recent ARS Electronica award-winning works, Jürgen Hagler will discuss transgressions, fringe areas, trends and future developments in the field of computer animation.
Zeitraum8 Nov. 2014
EreignistitelFredrikstad Animation Festival
OrtFredrikstad, NorwegenAuf Karte anzeigen