Algorithm and Experiment Design with HeuristicLab

  • Andreas Beham (Redner*in)

Aktivität: Gespräch oder VortragVortrag


In this talk the functionality and features of the open source optimization environment HeuristicLab will be demonstrated. It will be shown how to parameterize and execute heuristic algorithms to solve combinatorial optimization problems. It will be shown how to assemble algorithms and problems into large experiments and how to execute such experiments on multi-core or cluster systems. Furthermore, the experiment results will be compared using HeuristicLab’s interactive charts for visual and statistical analysis to gain knowledge from the executed test runs. To complete the talk, it will be briefly sketched how HeuristicLab can be extended with further optimization problems and how custom optimization algorithms can be modeled using the graphical algorithm designer.
Zeitraum10 Dez. 2013
EreignistitelGrupo Integrada de Ingeniera
OrtFerrol, SpanienAuf Karte anzeigen